Registration Form 2024 - 2025
CFUW Orillia

If you cannot fill out this form on-line, please call Sheila Marner at 416-558-5992 or Barb Hyslop at 416-702-3959

Last Name:*    First Name:*

Mailing Address:
Street: *  
City: *      Postal Code: * (A9A 9A9)
Telephone: *    (mobile) (999-999-9999)        (home) (999-999-9999)
E-mail (preferred):  *

Please tick if you are a New Member      

Regular Member    $110.00
Supports the goals of CFUW - the pursuit of knowledge, the promotion of education, the improvement of the
status of women and human rights - in a spirit of cooperation and friendship.
Regular Member who joined between April 1 and August 31, 2024.
$106 of membership dues already paid will be carried forward to 2024/2025.

Dual Member:
Either:  CFUW Orillia is my primary club.     $110.00
      Or:  CFUW is my primary club.     $44.00

Student Member    $55.00
Enrolled full-time in a post secondary institution - entitled to all the privileges and responsibilities of CFUW.
Scholarship Commitment:  
CFUW Orillia provides support to the young women of our community through our post-secondary
scholarship program.
I would like a printed handbook   $5.25
I would like to make a donation to the CFUW Orillia Education Foundation (Donations of $25.00 or greater will receive a tax receipt, (Reg# 781699012 RR0001)     Amount:

CFUW Magnetic Name Badge:
Replacement badges are $10.00.
Please indicate the name you would like on your badge:   

Profession / Current Work / Retired:

Community Involvement:

Please indicate method of payment: *
       •   Set up the recipient email address in your bank’s e-Transfer system.
       •   CFUW Orillia is registered for auto deposit so no security question or answer is required.
       •   Include your first and last names in the comments section of your transfer.
       •   Cheque payable to CFUW Orillia.
       •   Mail to: Sheila Marner, 4A Maple Drive, Orillia, ON, L3V 3W2.
INTEREST GROUPS provide an opportunity to connect with other CFUW members. Select the group(s) you wish to belong to this year and/or suggest a new interest group below:

Advocacy Group (2nd Tuesday, 7:00 PM)
Book Club (2nd Thursday, 1:30 PM)
Bridge Group Monday (2nd & 4th Mondays, 1:00 PM)
Bridge Group Thursday (1st & 3rd Thursdays, 1:30 PM)
Bridge Group Wednesday (1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 1:30 PM)
Cocktail Hour / Dinner Out (3rd Friday Evening)
Community Connections (Days and times vary)
Dinner Club (5:00 PM before General Meetings)
Fifth Tuesday Flicks (5th Tuesday in October and April).
Friendship, Fun & a Book Club (1st Tuesday, 7:00 PM)
Golf Group (Monday, 8:45 AM, May - Oct.)
Hiking (2nd, 4th & 5th Tuesdays, 10:00 AM)
Lunch Bunch (3rd Wednesday, 12:30 PM)
Mah Jongg (2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 1:30 PM)
Skiing - Downhill (Wednesday, 9:00 AM, Jan. - Mar.)
Tech Club (1st Thursday, 10:00 AM)
Wake Up Call (1st Wednesday, 8:15 AM )
Walking (1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 10:00 AM)
Zoom-Licious (1st Monday, 4:30 PM)

CFUW Orillia is a volunteer-run organization and we rely on members to help out where they can. Please indicate where you are willing to volunteer. Choose as many as you wish. We will be following up directly with you as needed.

Homes for Scholarship Tour, Sunday June 1st, 2025. We strongly encourage all members to participate in our major fundraiser.
Join a team of four (a quadrumvirate) to help with running a monthly General Meeting. Indicate if you have a preference of meeting date, or a member or two you'd like to team up with:
Lead an existing Interest Group or form a new group that you are willing to lead.   Please indicate which group:
Join one of our five Standing committees; Advocacy, Communications, Homes for Scholarships, Membership or Program. Please indicate which committee you are interested in:

Which of the following social media platforms do you use? Please check all that apply.

Facebook    Instagram    X (formerly Twitter)    LinkedIn    None   

BIRTHDAY (Optional):
Let other club members know when your birthday is so they can celebrate with you. This list is included in the weekly communication e-mail.

Month:          Day:       

The information collected on this electronic form will be stored in a password-protected database. The information is used to create our CFUW Orillia Handbook and Online Membership Directory, to compile lists for our Interest Groups and to generate lists for our social events. The CFUW Orillia Handbook and Online Membership Directory is for members' use only and is not to be shared with and/or sold to third parties.

By registering you are agreeing to have your photo and contact information included in the CFUW Orillia Handbook and Online Membership Directory, consenting to receive CFUW Orillia information via email, and acknowledging the right of CFUW Orillia to use your image in photographs and videos for use in any editorial or promotional material produced and published by CFUW Orillia.

* Essential information is indicated with a red asterisk.

Please double check all your responses before clicking the "SUBMIT" button!

Inquiries? Contact Sheila Marner    416-558-5992
or Barb Hyslop        705-702-3959